Battery stand unit (white)
No. 10677
End of production
End of production
[Compatible models]
EX-NEXT / EX-RR / EX-2 / EX-1 / EX-6R / EX-6
Expert Grip Unit2 (Right)
Expert Grip Unit (Right)
Grip Unit (Right)
*Cannot be used with Left handed Unit.
*Cannot be used with Expert Grip Unit LDT.
The stand unit allows the use of different batteries and also alters the center of gravity and balance of the system. The surface of the battery stand is painted pearl white, the same color as EX-NEXT.
The stand arm can be swiveled out to aid in standing up the transmitter.
Removal of the normal stand unit is required for use.Recommend Battery
Usable minimum volatage 2V/cell(life battery)
Battery stand x1
Dummy Battery box x1