Xpansion update Ver1.06(Screen language in English.)

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These files are update for EX-2 Xpansion firmware. After update, a new version will be changed to V1.06. You can find this number in startup screen of Xpansion.


Xpansion and Master unit communication update.
Screen Language in English.(only)
Former bugs have been fixed.
[Update procedure]
1,Please down load 3 files.(Manual by pdf. Boot loader program, Update file, as seen below).  Boot loader program and update file are zip files. So please unzip before using.
2,Please check manual(pdf) and run boot loader program in your PC.
You need to use  Personal computer(Windows7,8,8.1,10). Item No.61028 ICS PC Adapter HS is required for downloading. The latest Driver(KO Driver2015) needs to be downloaded in advance. 
Don’t turn off Xpansion under while updating the files. In the worst case, Xpansion could get damaged and would not work. You need to send it to KO Japan for repair.

 Manual for update Ver1.1     870Kbytes
          * 8th Mar 2016 We changed manual to Ver1.1.
  Boot loader Program            2.35Mbytes
 Update file Ver1.06                720kbytes
Screen language in English

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