Introduction of ICS

2013.6.28 < ICS >, ICS devices, ICS USB AdaptorHS, Personal Computer

This time, this story is about ICS.
Our products can use communicate by usong ICS.  It used to change setting value etc.

[1] What is ICS?

I.C.S means Interactive Communication System.
This is communication system for our products, ex EX-1, Servos, ESC.
If you use this, you can save data or upload data or change value in the products a PC.

In the case of EX-1

If you download software from our site, you can change values, copy model data or data manegement in the EX-1.

In the case of servos

You can change the values of servos parameters though the software Servo manager.

*This is an image of software. It may be changed.

[2] How to use ICS by PC

You must buy the ICS USB Adaptor HS (No.61028).

This is an interface device which is used for uploading data to ICS compatible device or downloading  data from an ICS device.

After buying this set, it communicates with products once the compatible driver is installed and the corresponding application installed into your PC.








(1) Installation of the Driver to PC

Driver is software that rthe interface uses by your PC. You can download this from our site.
This is compatible for WindowsXp, Windows Vista(32/64bit), Windows 7(32/64bit),Windows 10(32/64bit).
Driver is here

Download file is a Zipped file. It include the PDF Manual.
But Manual in English does include some Japanese.



(1)In device manager in PC, "ICS USB ADAPTER" is shown in"Universal serial bus controller".
But does not  appear in "PORT(COM and LPT)".

(2)Deveice is appear in device manager. But warning with device. And can not use device.
-> These are cases of failed of installs.

In device manager , Right click to "ICS USB ADAPER"' and install driver again.


#Download ICS compatible software.
On our site, a lot of application softwares are available for free.


#Change setthing by software.

You can change setting for products.
ex)ICS ServoManager Software Ver2.0.1.0 use for RSx2 BSx2.

Thank you for reading.

Related product

ICS USB Adapter HS

No. 61028
