Introduce for Xpansion ICS Manager V2.12

2019.4.15 < Radios >, EX-RR, EX-2, Radios Option, Other radio’s topic, < ICS >


Software version of Xpansion was updated to Ver2.12 from EX-RR that ship out after April 2019.
So, I will introduce Xpansion Manager V2.1.2.0.

27th of June 2019 add

We are updated file to V2.1.2.1 by some changes. (File was replacement.)
In this article, explanation and capture photo are still V. But operation method is not changed.


※How to confirm Xpansion Unit version.
Please confirm under right of start up screen.
But it is short time. Please note.



What you can do by Xpansion ICS Manager V2.1.2.0.

1)Can transfer modeldata from the XpansionV2.00 or V.2.10 to the XpansionV2.12  latest version.​

Select [Read from Xpansion version] and [write to Xpansion version], Software is convert data to can use in each version.
It is very convenient for using convert data to new version when Xpansion update.

2)Can edit or organize model data of in the Xpansion.​
It can replace data by Drag and Drop like a upon capture screen.

3)Write model data to PC from Xpansion./Save model data to Xpansion from PC.​
You can use it in case of  too much model data, or backup data when update.

Please refer to here for how to update.

*If you want to edit XpansionV1.0x or Ver2.00 ,please use ICS manager that compatible to each version.

for Ver2.0 Xpansion Manager is here.
for Ver1.0x Xpansion Mnager is here.


How to get the Xpansion ICS Manager V.

You can download form our website by Free.

pdficon_large XpManagerV212_manual_En 3.32Mbytes

 Zip_icon   EX-XpansionMngV2.12  593Kbytes

Software is provided by compressed files, please uncompress files by under your environment.

If you uncompressd files to unde desktop in your PC, below folder is crate. 
Please double click EX-XpansionManagerV211.exe in this folder, Software will be started.

After software started, set Com port in the under left at screen, and connect by palalel code that was include in the ICS USB Adapter from ICS USB Adaptor to Xpansion.
By the above operation,It will be can comunicate Xpansion with PC. 


In the Expansion Manager software, If over the mouse pointer to the each button, appear explain of function. So, you can operate software by Intuitively without getting lost.

If you have any question, please contact to our service dept by email by free feel.

Thank you for reading this time too.




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