About ServoModelSelector

2016.5.26 How to choice and Settings, Servo Option Parts, < ICS >, ICS devices, <New Products>


This time, I will tell you how to use servo model selector which is new product.

Our RSx2 and BSx2 servos have 5 mode memory data that can be set via PC.
Servo model selector can change these models memories of Servo without PC.


This time,  I explain usage of Servo Model selector first.

 1, Data upload to servo by PC

(1) PC setting

First please upload data which you want to test on the track. This software is being used is the  ICS Servo Manager V2.0.1.0 which you can download from our site for free to upload data to a servo.  Also it requires ICS USB Adapter HS .
If you are using the ICS USB Adapter HS for the  first time, you must install driver software to your PC.
Driver software is here

(2) Prepare setting data 

Let's upload data to the servo by the software(ICS servo manager). Also you can make the data by yourself.
In our site the sample setting data is shown.  The sample setting data is recommended for first use.


(3) Upload setting data

You must set COM port in software first.


Connet ICS USB Adapter to Servo(this example are RSx12). 
Please click COM in software. You select "ICS USB Adapter (COMxx)" in this box. *Number of COMxx are different from each PC.


If this does not appear, "disconnect” is only shown.
In such a case, the driver software has failed to install. Please install again. 

If it successful the Software will read data from servo automatically.


In this example, new data is upload data to Model2

Click the"Model Select" and select Number 2.

"Change Model Number?" is shown in the display. Select "OK".
This is model change to number 2.


Select "Load setting file" and open your file. ( file you created or downloaded file)

Click "Write" for write the data to servo.

If you want to write Model3, change "Model Select" to number 3.
And do same  procedure as model 2.

If the writing in completed, please exit software and disconnect ICS USB adapter and servos. 


2, Use Servo model selector

Servo model selector can change model in servo without PC.

Your car is ready to run,

(1) Remove servo's connector from receiver and connect to the Servo Model selector.
(2) Connect the connector of the Servo model selector to the receiver.
(3) Push the button of the "Servo model selector" to select the number of model you like to use.
(4) Remove each connector and re-connect of servo connector to the receiver.

 Step by step Explanation.

(1) Remove servo's connector from receiver and connect to the Servo Model selector.
          Note: See print on the Servo Model selector for direction of connection.


(2)Connect the connector of the Servo model selector to the receiver.

    This is only used as a power supply from the receiver. Connect to 1CH to4CH or B.


(3) Push the button of the "Servo model selector" to select the number of model you like to use.

  LED lamp of the Servo model selector begins fast flashing when turned on.  After waiting for about 3 seconds,

  LED begins to flash slowly. The numbers of the blinks means the current model number.

 If you push the button, it changes the number of blinks.

ex)** . ** .**     This is model 2 selected in this servo.
If you push the button on the "Servo model selector",  it makes a change to number of blink.



(4) Remove each connector and re-connect of servo connector to the receiver.


Servo model selector can be use for below;
[Compatible servos]
RSx2(ResponseH.C、PowerH.C、Response、Power) / BSx2(ResponseH.C、PowerH.C、Response、Power) / RSx-one10(Response、Type-S) / BSx2-one10(Response、Power、Grasper) / RSx-12

Thank you for reading!

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